About Me
The idea for Debra Perdomo Decluttering began in 2015 after reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. I hadn’t realized it before, but I was very overwhelmed by my home. As a result, my family wasn’t getting the best from me. With two young children, I wanted home life to be easier and more organized. I felt as though I should have the time to take care of things at home, but I never felt successful at it.
I realized that I was drowning in surface clutter: piles on the counters, toys, packed kitchen drawers, and full closets. Paper clutter was the worst! It took time to work through Marie Kondo’s five categories: clothing, books, paper, komono (miscellaneous items) and sentimental items, but the results were indeed life-changing. I could find things on the first try, I had less to put away and clean, I got ready faster in the morning, and best of all, I felt calmer and I didn't yell at my children as much. It felt great to be living in a home that sparked joy!
Looking back, I always felt like I never had time to do anything and was overwhelmed by taking care of things. It was now so much easier to take care of myself and my loved ones. The process is simple, but it is not quick or easy to accomplish alone.
At first, I began working with friends who wanted to get their homes organized and then decided to help people declutter their homes professionally. With a background in human resources and teaching, this was an easy transition. It is satisfying to see clients achieve the peace and order they desire in their homes. I know I’ve gotten it right when I see a slow smile spread across their face at the end of our session. The smile represents pride, satisfaction and a sense of calm as they reclaim their homes.
Now that I have my home organized, I have more time to pursue the things I love, like travel, running, yoga, and Tai Chi. I am passionate about sustainability and living an eco-friendly lifestyle. I enjoy helping other people succeed in simplifying their lives and organizing their homes while applying these principles.
My Adventures